We all have people in our lives who’ve hurt us, at work and in our personal lives. But carrying around that hurt doesn’t do you any good – it just gets in the way of experiencing all of the good things in life. Here’s an exercise to help you put things in perspective.
Think of a person that’s done something hurtful to you and write their name on a piece of paper along with a few sentences about what they did to you. Draw a circle around the action you are holding the grudge for.
Then, draw 15 circles on the page and fill each with a phrase describing a time when that person was helpful, generous, or did something for which you are grateful.
Take some time to look at the piece of paper and really think about everything in context. This is a simple exercise but what you’ll be experiencing at this point is very complex. It’s very easy for us to let one negative event stand out and overshadow years of positive experiences with a person, but that isn’t what’s best for you in the long run. This exercise isn’t about forgiveness, even though it may make you think about that. It’s about letting go and moving on with your life in a positive way.

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